Joseph, my first miracle baby, was born at 35 weeks with a birth defect called Gastroschisis, where all of his small and large intestines and part of his stomach were outside of his body. He has endured 6 surgeries and multiple complications and despite everything, he's the happiest baby I have ever seen and is always smiling!

Christian, my second miracle baby, was born at 33 weeks. Because of his prematurity, he suffered a grade 2 IVH (bleeding in his brain) and we are not yet sure how this will impact his life and development. Despite this and some other premature issues, he is thriving!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting Better

Joseph had his procedures done at the hospital on the 9th and has recovered so nicely. Since then, we have seen such wonderful improvements in him! The prescription formula finally seems to be working and his intestines are finally healing. We've even been given the green light to start introducing baby food! We have to go slowly, only one new food every 5-7 days to monitor for allergies. We tried rice cereal but his tummy didn't seem to like that very much so we switched to pears. He loves pears and is doing so well learning to eat them. In a few more days, we're going to be able to add a veggie. Not quite sure how he'll accept it after 5 days of sweet pears...

Joseph has changed so much in the past month! His 2 bottom teeth that have broken through and he can crawl now! He's still mastering the coordination and balance and isn't very good at it, but wow is he thrilled that he can move forward towards something he wants! It's amazing to see all changes and pregress, especially considering where he started from! He's finally getting a little too long for his 6 month clothes. We've gotten so much use out of all his baby clothes because he stays in a size for so long. And now we're going to be reusing everything for our next little boy!