Joseph, my first miracle baby, was born at 35 weeks with a birth defect called Gastroschisis, where all of his small and large intestines and part of his stomach were outside of his body. He has endured 6 surgeries and multiple complications and despite everything, he's the happiest baby I have ever seen and is always smiling!

Christian, my second miracle baby, was born at 33 weeks. Because of his prematurity, he suffered a grade 2 IVH (bleeding in his brain) and we are not yet sure how this will impact his life and development. Despite this and some other premature issues, he is thriving!

Friday, August 24, 2012

From April

Life has been pretty busy trying to balance a special child's needs, work, moving, family life, and pregnancy! Joseph had another developmental evaluation earlier this week and some of his motor skills are still delayed. He continues weekly Occupational Therapy and bi-weekly Physical Therapy. He will also need to start Speach Therapy because he is having oral texture processing issues, which isn't a surprise from all the oral trauma he sustained while vented for the first 3 weeks of his life and then force-fed for the following 3.5 weeks. This is causing him to have some eating issues (gagging and vomiting) that, if not addressed now, could become major eating issues in the near future. This, in addition to his food allergies, is making it challenging to feed him. For the most part, he's only eating fruits and veggies and "puffs" (I found an organic brand that is dairy and soy free). I've literally spent 20 minutes in the baby asile reading ingrediants and putting food back on the shelf because it seems like everything contains soy. We're also finding it challenging to transition him to a sippy-cup. He can't seem to figure out how to get the water out intentionally and when he does manage, he chokes on it. I found a sippy cup with a spout that is very similiar to a bottle nipple but he still can't (or won't) figure it out. All we can do is keep trying. From a GI prespective, he has been doing amazing since having the procedures in February. I don't know what that doctor did when she was inside of him but whatever it was, since then, he has been doing perfect! No more diarrhea, blood, or mucous in his stool! He is still having reflux and continues his medication for this.

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